2008 - 2024
Roxzilla elizabeth bernazar-thomas 6/5/2008-3/16/2024
in the early morning hours of Saturday march 16th, i came home to find my beloved roxie gone from our physical world. I thought i knew what devastation felt like until that moment. I held her for hours until it was time to let her go. i spent the better part of 5,512 great days with her. when we couldn't be together, she was with only my trusted people so i knew she'd feel love and have a good day.
Roxie had a personality like no other. she was clever, stubborn, compulsive, fearless. In her younger days, she loved to chase small animals, raid the fridge, lay in the sun and play in the snow. during her retirement years, she liked to lounge but still LOVED TO lay in the sun and pillage food. she slowed down about a year ago, but medical issues last month reared it's ugly head.
i am fortunate to have spent as much time with her as i did. I loved exploring trails and cities with her. more than anything, and what i'll miss the most is her wagging tail and love that enveloped me every time i came home. she made a bad day so much better. that unconditional love can never be replaced or replicated.
Roxie, my girl, my best friend, my side kick, my first born, my doghter... it brings me solace to think that you are running after hercules, both of you now pain free. please greet me when it's my turn. i'll miss you so much until then.